Where we all have been would be a very strange question you might frequently ask yourself isn't ?
as stated by Anne frank "pages have more patience than people", so here I am writing my first ever blog where I would be sharing my life incidents and what they taught me .
Life has always been trying to be a rainbow in someone else's cloud , well that's what describe me the best . Life has always been a roller coaster ride ups and downs every time but that's what life is .People use to judge the kind of dress u are wearing , trying to figure out the flaws by spelling out a word wrong , well seeing this back now its all useless isn't? we all would have been through this once but thanks to the people there who helped me to look the world in a larger way . There would be people thinking and making comments on you but does it matter you now , not for me now but it use to once because "every action has a reaction" maybe the person doesn't aim to hurt me but the words can actually hurt a person which happened to me . So now when ever u feel down don't think where you have been just look back and see what things u achieved because those achievements were important to you at that time but slowly you forgot . Until then keeping pushing yourself will be back with another one.